Pattingham Drama Group

Change to May production - now Electric Rosary by Tim Foley
Unfortunately director Ian has been unable to cast Steel Magnolias. Instead he will direct Electric Rosary by Tim Foley, which was awarded the Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting, and premiered at the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester, in April 2022.
St Grace's Convent is in crisis, there are only five nuns left after the Mother Superior’s recent death. Acting Mother Superior Elizabeth has a plan. A council funded robot arrives. “Mary” was intended to be a labour-saving device but slowly becomes more “human”, whatever that means. Sharp and funny, whilst also being thought-provoking.
Quiz Night - Wednesday 5th February
A good turn-out for quiz night. Thanks to everyone who joined in the test of the "old grey matter". Well done to the winners, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, and the close-second team, The Stargazers.
Thanks to Ian and Melanie for organising another enjoyable and informative quiz night. Who knew that the metal Palladium was named after an asteroid rather than the West End theatre?
"Play and a Pint" - Friday 21st March
We will be hosting a relaxed evening of play readings in March. Why not bring a copy of your favourite script so everyone can act out a scene or two?
All welcome. Friday 21st March at 7.30pm, upstairs at the Pigot.
Quiz night - Wednesday 5th February
Give the old brain cells a bit of a workout with another of Ian and Melanie's popular quizzes, general knowledge but expect the odd round on theatre, cinema and television.
Upstairs at the Pigot @ 7.30pm - teams of 4, or come along and make up a team.
Steel Magnolias - read-through
Thanks to everyone who came to the read-through on January 7th.
May production - Steel Magnolias by Robert Harling
Annelle moves to a Louisiana small town and finds work at a beauty salon. She soon makes friends with her boss Truvy and customers at the salon including M'Lynn and her daughter Shelby. We also meet straight-talking Ouiser and her best friend, the town's former first lady, Clairee.
Cinderella - thank you
We would like to give a big thank you to everyone involved in Cinderella: the actors, in particular the young people who were performing with us for the first time, the backstage crew, Front of House, and all the other people who helped in putting on the production.
Most of all though, thank you to our audience who supported us and helped make this a very special show.
Cinderella - box office open for business!
Tickets are now available for our panto through Ticket Source. Tickets are priced at £12.
Click on BOOK NOW for the performance you want to attend, select how many tickets you want to book, click on next, then choose your seats.
Cinderella Launch Party - Tuesday June 18th
Helen, Chris and Chrissie would like to thank everyone who came to the panto launch. There was an excellent turn-out. We got a real flavour of what our Cinderella would be like, and had some fun, singing a few songs and reading several scenes ("oh yes we did").
Performance dates are Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December at 7.30pm, and Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th at 2.30pm.
[amended: 20-August-2024]
2024 Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 11th June
Thank you to all the members who came to this year's AGM at the village hall. A new committee was elected with several new faces.
Gladys Jones – valued friend and colleague
The Group would like to pay tribute to our friend and colleague Gladys Jones who has died following a short illness. Gladys was a stalwart of Pattingham Drama Group for over 50 years. She was a brilliant actress who also directed many of our shows. She ran Patchwork, our junior group, for many years. She also served as a committee member and had spells as treasurer and chair.
Condolences to Gladys’s family and many friends at this sad time.
May production - Heroes - by Gerald Sibleyras, translated by Tom Stoppard
Heroes is a poignant and life-affirming comedy about three French World War One veterans who dream of escaping from their care home, maybe to Indochina, or more realistically to the poplar trees they can see in the distance.
Special thanks to everyone who came to see Heroes and to the many people in different roles involved in staging the production.
Cinderella Launch Party - Tuesday June 18th
The evening will give Helen a chance to outline her staging of the panto, for Heidi to talk about some of the choreography she has planned for us, and for Martin Fox to introduce us to some of the music he and his band will be playing. Performance dates: December, 5th & 6th (at 7.30pm) and 7th &8 (at 2.30pm).
If you are interested in taking part - on stage, working backstage, helping with the costumes or props, singing in the chorus, or putting on a pantomime horse costume for a week! - why not come along or use Contact us to send us a message. In the Village Hall (Main Hall) at 7.30pm.
2024 Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 11th June at 7.30pm
This year's AGM will be held in the Small Hall. All members are invited to attend.
Play Readings in the Pub - Wednesday 17th April
Thanks to everyone who came to our enjoyable evening of play readings: scenes from classics such as the grim humour of John Osbourne’s The Entertainer, the dreamy poetry of Dylan Thomas’ Under Milk Wood, and the farcical comedy of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. We finished by reading extracts from our December pantomime Cinderella.
Quiz Night - Wednesday 24th January
Thanks to Ian and Melanie for hosting another entertaining and informative general knowledge quiz. A good turn out and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, which is what it was all about.
Although it was competitive on the night, the Lovies won through to take first prize. Congratulations! A special nod to the Almost Heroes for their rather more specialist knowledge of the Carry On film genre.
May production - Heroes by Gerald Sibleyras, translated by Tom Stoppard
"It's 1959 and Philippe, Gustave and Henri, three veterans from the First World War, dream of making their escape from the soldiers' home, if not to Indochina then at least as far as the poplar trees on the hill..." Performance dates were Wednesday 8th to Saturday 11th May at 7.30pm.
Heroes, the English-language version by Tom Stoppard of Gerald Sibleyras's comedy Le Vent des Peupliers, premiered at the Wyndham's Theatre, London, in October 2005. Heroes received the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Comedy in 2006. Directed by Ian Hartley.
Thanks to everyone who came to the read-through on Tuesday, 5th December.
November 2023 Production - The Ghost Train
Arnold Ridley’s classic comedy-thriller, The Ghost Train, has been a firm favourite since it was first produced in 1925. Six passengers find themselves stranded late at night in the waiting-room of an isolated Cornish railway station. Ignoring the ghostly tales and dire warnings of the stationmaster, they decide to stay where they are until morning – with terrifying consequences. Finally, all is revealed and the details of a fiendish plot are laid bare. Directed by Iain Coleman, assisted by Chris Lyon.
Special thanks to everyone who came to see the show and to the many people in different roles involved in staging the production.
2023 Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 27th June
Thanks to everyone who attended the AGM at Pattingham Village Hall.
May 2023 Production - Nigel Slater's Toast
Toast is the story of Wolverhampton-born Nigel Slater's childhood, told through the tastes and smells he grew up with. A story of love, loss and...toast.
First of all, thank you to our audience. Everyone involved in Toast appreciates your continued support. Well done to the cast and stage crew, director and producer, Front of House and refreshments and everyone else who played a part in staging this production.
Quiz night - Tuesday 21st February 2023
A special thank you to Ian and Melanie for organising and hosting the quiz. The questions were interesting and entertaining. Who knew Canada had so much coastline, and Sweden so many islands! Also thanks to everyone who joined in and had some fun.
May 2023 Production - Nigel Slater's Toast
Toast is the story of Wolverhampton-born Nigel Slater's childhood, told through the tastes and smells he grew up with. From making the perfect sherry trifle to waging a war over cakes and from the pressured playground politics of sweets to the rigid rules of restaurant dining, this is a story of love, loss and...toast.
Adapted for the stage by Henry Filloux-Bennett. Toast was directed by Susan Hay. Performance dates were 17th-20th May at 7.3opm at Pattingham Village Hall.
Thanks to everyone who attended the read-through on Tuesday 6th December..
David Challinor – friend and long-serving member
The group would like to pay a warm tribute to David Challinor, one of our longest-serving members, who has passed away. David occasionally “trod the boards” but it was behind the scenes where he made his greatest contribution, as stage manager and constructing sets, and in technical roles such as lighting and sound. He was a committee member for many years and had chaired the group.
Condolences to Norma, Alison and Anthony, and all David’s family and friends at this sad time.
Absurd Person Singular
Well done to the actors, backstage, front of house, and countless other roles for making this production a success, not forgetting a big Thank You to everyone who supported the group by attending the show!
"Play and a Pint" social event - Wednesday 21st September 2022
Thanks to Helen Wallington and Sue Hay for hosting this evening of readings. We read extracts from Handbagged by Moira Buffini and the stage adaptation of Nigel Slater's Toast in the first half, and All My Sons by Arthur Miller and the "encore" from Tom Stoppard's The 15-minute Hamlet in the second half.
Thanks to everyone who joined in and made this an enjoyable evening.
November production 2022
Our November production was Absurd Person Singular by Alan Ayckbourn. The play is celebrating its 50th anniversary, having premiered at Scarborough in 1972. The cast comprised three couples, with each act taking place at drinks parties on successive Christmas Eves. The drama group staged the play in 1992 when it was directed by Chris Fawson. This production was directed by Bob Hughes.
Thanks to everyone who attended the read-through at the village hall on 19th July.
2022 Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 7th June
This year's AGM took place at the Village Hall on Tuesday 7th June at 8pm. Thanks to all members who attended.
May 2022 production - Taking Sides
Taking Sides was well-received with better than expected ticket sales. One audience member said it was "a powerful and compelling play ... executed with great style". Congratulations to the cast, director, producer and everyone else involved in this production.
The committee agreed that monies from programme sales would be donated to the DEC Ukraine Appeal.
Flickr photo and picture archive
We now have flickr photo albums for some of our more recent shows.