Pattingham Drama Group
Latest production
December 2024 - Cinderella, original script by Alan P. Frayn. Combining the fairy-tale enchantment of Cinderella with hilarious comedy, this production has it all!
Many strong traditional character parts feature, including a delightful Cinderella, a particularly endearing Buttons, and outrageously funny Ugly Sisters! Yet more chaos and laughter ensues when two comic builders, Bodget and Leggett arrive to re-develop Hardship Hall, whilst Hagan the pantomime horse provides a novel twist.
With loads of originality, audience participation, slapstick routines, and traditional “business”.
Big on laughs, this imaginative new version by Alan P. Frayn has won numerous awards and is, without doubt, one of the most popular panto scripts of this millennium.
Performance dates are Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December at 7.30pm, and Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th at 2.30pm.
Tickets are priced at £12 and are available through Ticket Source. Click on BOOK NOW for the performance you want to attend, select how many tickets you want to book, click on next, then choose your seats.