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Pattingham Drama Group
Images from our productions in the 1950s and 1960s
Images from our productions in the 1970s
Images from our productions in the 1980s
Images from our productions in the 1990s
Images from our productions in the 2000s
Images from our productions in the 2010s
fifty years
Newspaper article marking the 50th anniversary of the group
A selection of programme covers from various productions
A brief history of Pattingham Drama
We hope this gives a brief overview of our history. For some of you there will be memories jogged, and for others maybe an introduction to Pattingham Drama.
But how did it all begin?
Those with long enough memories tell us that back in the 1940s and 50s Pattingham villagers had to make their own entertainment! Far removed from our modern world of global connectivity, back then Wolverhampton seemed a long way away, buses only ran on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and everyone supported village events. A drama and social committee organised all sorts of activities. Productions were put on in the old village hall, encouraged by Mrs Nell of Clive Road, while Nurse Watkins and Doris Pugh (the church organist) would put on nativity plays, and the Church Lads Brigade were producing variety shows, supported by 'guest' artists. The momentous moment came in 1956 when George Harrison, a teacher at Pattingham school, decided to put on Everyman in church, which brought everyone together and Pattingham Drama Group came to life. Everyman was followed by The Boy with the Cart and This Happy Breed in 1957, and future success looked set. However here Pattingham Drama Group met its first challenge, and almost folded before it really got started, when founder George Harrison and fellow Producer, Reg Slater, both left the village for pastures new. However thanks to the determination and enthusiasm of Graham Peever the society survived and the pantomime, Robinson Crusoe came to the stage in 1960.
Thus, a history of regular productions was born and the rest, as they say, is history!
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